Thursday, September 15, 2011

Mix and mash part 3

The following is the last entry to the Mix and Mash competition, by Sovereign in 9RG. He has mixed together a classic and new Mercedes to display change over time. Nice work Sovereign!

Fletcher Street, Long Eaton
Fletcher Street, Long Eaton (David Lally) / CC BY-SA 2.0

The cars he found by google image searching and changing the advanced preferences so only images that have no copyright were found. He discovered these cars in creative commons. Clever investigation!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mix and Mash Part 2

Here is the next entry for the National Library's Mix and Mash competition. Created by Robbie in 9RG, it mixes together students from the past with students from the present at Otahuhu College. Below are the two photos taken at our school, and the final mixed result. Great stuff Paul!

Mix and Mash

This term our social studies enrichment class has been working hard on creating entries for the National Library mix and mash competition. We have focused on mixing photos, to incorporate the present and the past in one frame. The point of the competition is to use photos that are available in creative commons. Because we used some photos taken at our school, we will upload them here to make them free for anyone else to use as well. Below are some photos taken at Otahuhu College over the years, and some student's efforts to mix the past and present.

The picture directly above was created by Paul in 9NK. Great job Paul!
 Look out for some more to come!